愛さん会 2020/01/26
そして、毎日ひたすら心を一つにして神殿に参り、家ごとに集まってパンを裂き、喜びと真心をもって一緒に食事をし、 神を賛美していたので、民衆全体から好意を寄せられた。こうして、主は救われる人々を日々仲間に加え一つにされたのである。使徒言行録 2:46-47
Today, after the service, we had our monthly Ai-san meeting.
At Nagahama Jun Evangelical Christian Church, brothers and sisters bring their best dishes.
Everyone brings their heart and soul to the party, so the table is always filled with home-cooked and restaurant food.
This year, we started celebrating the birthday of the month, and in January, five people celebrated their birthdays.
Congratulations on your birthdays. We pray that the Lord will bless you abundantly!
Ai-san-kai is more than just a luncheon.
This meeting, which is derived from the Greek word “agape” meaning love, has been a part of Christ’s church from the first church until now.
As we share a meal and talk about our daily joys and sorrows, we realize many things, which turn into thanksgiving and praise to God.
We are also made aware of each other’s problems and needs, which leads us to daily intercessory prayers to build up the church, the body of Christ.
Aisan-kai is a meal meeting where the loving Lord Jesus is at the center.
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Act2:46-47