毎週木曜日 AM 10:30より教会の2階に於いて、婦人部の6名が集まり聖書の学びをしています。

テキストをもとに聖書、 最初の創世記から、これから起る事を記したヨハネの黙示録まで、神様の壮大な計画を知る時、畏れおののくばかりです。聖書には、罪の清算が無ければ決して神の国に入れないという神様の義と、その清算方法として主イエスキリストの十字架の贖いを信じ受け入れるだけで、全ての罪が赦されるという神様の愛が記されています。





Every Thursday at 10:30 AM, six members of the Women’s Club gather on the second floor of the church for Bible study.

From the first book of Genesis to the book of Revelation, which describes what is to come, we are in awe as we learn about God’s grand plan. The Bible describes God’s righteousness that we can never enter the Kingdom of God without the reckoning of our sins, and God’s love that all our sins can be forgiven by simply believing in and accepting the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.

God loved the world so much that he gave his only son. For those who believe in the Son do not perish, but have eternal life.  John 3:16

As we grow old and think about death, we are filled with joy and hope that we are on the path to heaven that God has prepared for us. I hope to continue studying the Bible even in old age, and I pray that many people will know the love of God and believe in the salvation of Jesus’ cross.
