
  • 礼拝、集会前には必ず手洗いとアルコール消毒を行ってください。
  • 礼拝、集会では咳エチケットに気を付け、マスクを着用ください。
  • 握手、ハグ等の挨拶はお控えください。
  • 体調の悪い方、熱のある方は礼拝、集会への参加をお控えください。


Following the nationwide spread of the new coronavirus, we are asking the following public health in our church.

  • Be sure to wash your hands and disinfect alcohol before worship and meetings.
  • Be careful of cough etiquette during worship and gatherings, and wear a mask.
  • Please refrain from greetings such as shaking hands and hugging.
  • If you are sick or enthusiastic, please refrain from worship and participation in meetings.